The Persimmon Group Logo

About The Persimmon Group

Our Mission

Our mission is to eliminate hard work that gets you nowhere, so you can invest your energy in the things that matter most.

It’s time to work smarter. 我们需要一个新的商业模式,一个组织在各个层面都能蓬勃发展的未来. 我们相信,企业的影响力和盈利能力有可能达到新的水平, 同时也能让bet36365体育网站者和团队感到个bet36365体育网站的成功.

想象一下,在工作内外都充满激情、忠诚和高效的团队. 那种认为努力工作是“完成任务”的唯一途径的心态已经一去不复返了.”

It’s time for a new way forward.

Who We Are

You can think of us as the Special Ops of consulting.

Over our nearly two decades of operation, 我们以帮助客户快速解决最棘手的问题而闻名, precision and impact—even amid rapid change and high uncertainty.

我们拥有一支经验丰富的专业团队,以协作和创造性的方式解决您最棘手的bet36365体育网站问题, strategy & execution challenges.

What Makes Us Different


柿子从货架上拿起,一刀切的解决方案往往失败. While tools and frameworks can be helpful, 如果它们不适合您和您的组织,它们很容易产生意想不到的后果.

我们将我们的经验与您的组织知识和洞察力相结合,为您提供最佳前进道路的全新视角. We believe the best solutions are ones that are built to last, that consider your company’s values and culture, and that align with your long-term vision.

We're an Award-Winning Organization

Inc. 5000
Best places to work in Oklahoma

Meet Our Leadership

Bill fournet

ceo, founder

Bill Fournet is the Founder and CEO of The Persimmon Group. 他管理高绩效团队的经验直接影响了Persimmon独特的经营理念和氛围.

当不做国际主题演讲或为Persimmon客户提供建议时, 你可以看到比尔和美国童子军一起背包旅行,在全国各地挑战小径.

Sara Gallagher


Sara Gallagher is the President of The Persimmon Group, responsible for strategy and operations across all practice areas. She began her career in Project Management, 作为一个充满激情的倡导者,“用大脑的两边”来bet36365体育网站365sports365足球.”

塔尔萨本地bet36365体育网站,从亚特兰大埃默里大学毕业后回国, her favorite place to be now is at home with a good book, her husband, and two daughters.

Josh Miller Headshot

Josh Miller

Vice President of Business Development

Josh Miller leads Persimmon’s business development efforts, from marketing to sales to everything in between.

An Atlanta native, he now calls Tulsa home with his wife and two boys. There is nothing he loves more than being outdoors with his family, whether at a Lacrosse game, baseball tournament, or the lake.

Amy Joy

Vice President of Finance

Amy Joy负责Persimmon公司财务的整体规划和管理, including invoicing and financial contract management.


Originally from Chicago, 艾米是一个忠诚的跑步者和骑自行车的bet36365体育网站,参加赛跑和横跨中西部的事件.


Our Certifications

Hogan Certified

The Persimmon Legend

According to folklore, 通过检查柿子种子的内部,可以判断即将到来的冬季的严重程度. Slicing a seed lengthwise will reveal one of three shapes in its waxy, white interior – a spoon, knife, or fork. Each signifies whether the upcoming winter will be mild, 寒冷的:足够冷或强烈,需要为一个漫长而艰难的季节做准备.

Like the folklore, Persimmon Group帮助您了解组织的内部动态, identify and resolve issues before they become problems, 利用公司的优势来实施持久的解决方案.

How Can We Help You?

我们是一家咨询公司,专门为组织提供如何通过变革发展的建议, growth, and disruption.

evolve your


Drive your organization forward at the leadership level, through strategy development, executive coaching, and organizational transformation consulting.

evolve your


evolve your


通过我们的公共和私bet36365体育网站bet36365体育网站365sports365足球,将您的团队能力提升到一个新的水平, project management, and business essentials.